A bucket list of adventures starring Sleepy, Hiking Geer, Gusto, Helpdesk, Rolling Peach and Pepe'

Thursday, August 13, 2020

South Mountain State Park August 2020

Pepe' and Helpdesk hiked around South Mountain on a warm Saturday.   Starting off early things were cool and comfortable . However, when in the sun things were quite warm and sweat was flowing freely.   The waterfalls early on were very nice.

Later in the hike Helpdesk got good and wet but not on purpose as he was trying to cross a stream.  Rocks sometimes move on you and you need to be prepared :) .  Oh well, it happens. 

There were other great views from the ridgeline.

After the hike we went to Redbone Willy's for an excellent lunch.   All in all it was a great hike and the details can be found on our Alltrails site.

Alltrails South Mountain